Terasa macam masuk Anugerah Bintang Popular Pulak bila nak meraih undi ni. Macam pilihan raya pun ada. Layankan saja penangan Malaysia International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards 2013 (MITBCA 2013). Sebenarnya segan nak join sebab blog tak seberapa tapi disebabkan permintaan sahabat- sahabat untuk aku menyahut cabaran. Layankan aja.
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Terima kasih kepada semua yang menyokong dan sudi VOTE. Jasa anda ku kenang sampai akhir hayat. Menang atau kalah tak penting. yang penting Travel Travel Travel. Yeah
Sedikit info berkaitan MITBCA 2013 Dari Official website:
Since the debut of the Malaysia International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards in 2012 which rewarded some of the world’s most accomplished Travel-Social Media Bloggers, MITBCA 2013 is set to spin this year’s event with a more exciting approach, leaving others to admire and emulate upon.
Malaysia has set its pace to be on the forefront of reach into social media. Undeniably, there is a definitive difference between monitoring our brand in social media and using traditional methodologies in reaching out to build on tourism numbers. Travel is certainly a very hot topic across all social media channels and is one of the top three online topics of discussion and engagement. It surely encourages new network build up, new clientele bases and new innovative ideas being put across.
Such rapid movement of social media in travel and leisure industry was the basis of the conceptualization of the Malaysia International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards 2013 (MITBCA2013), organized by the Ministry of Tourism, Malaysia. The Awards aim to encourage and honour the tourism bloggers across the globe for extensively promoting Tourism in Malaysia. After the nominations, voting and campaigning processes, the finale would be in Kuala Lumpur on 5th - 6th March 2013 and the nation will honour the best of the best in social media tourism.
We invite you to partake in this exciting event meant to recognize YOUR innovativeness, creativity and showcase YOUR best to the world and let the public decide WHO should be the best!